The Tree House
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Follow us down the short [wooded] path here for a second. It could help those of you who are thinking about jumping into your own home search. Okay y’all, it’s real estate story time:
New buyers were browsing online and saw an interesting property. They clicked “get more information” and a lead buying agent called them lightning fast. Hunger Gamesesque [insert creepy slow whistle here]. Not feeling overly comfortable with that agent, the buyers asked their friends who might be able to help them. Someone who at the very least could answer some questions.
That’s how they ended up with Jill. She was honored to have been referred and now these new buyers had representation that felt much better. So with a sigh of relief, their real home search began! Their wish list was perfectly specific, they were eager to compete, but they were in a price point that was going nutty around here. Like absolutely freaking nutty. Totally effing bananas. [we all might still have a little PTSD from a 30 offers loss situation – don’t ask]. But with lots of patience to find the right house, a boat load of trust, and several critical negotiations, we finally won the most adorable house in all of NC. And now today, the young couple [with a baby girl on the way] will be closing on their *very first home* with the *very second agent* they found.
So what are we trying to get at? It’s easy: don’t just pick an agent based on number of transactions. Or one based solely on location. And don’t blindly pick a big-box-brand agent dude that calls you while sitting in a dark corner of his parent’s basement wearing a hoodie and flannel pajama pants. [Okay, that part we made up.] Not every agent will be side by side with you the whole way, but we are. Every single time. It’s just who we are.
So call on us to repeat this scenario for you. [Well, everything but the 30 offer loss part. That was ridiculous.] But for everything else, we are ready!